Dina El-Hawary / ﺩﯾنا ﺍلهوﺍﺭي


A good looking woman is required for employment / مطلوب موظفه حسنة المظهر


In the normal shops that we daily pass by in the streets whether they are clothing, shoe stores or any other, the employers usually solicited for in those stores are described by the sentence of “A good looking woman is required for employment “. We never give it much attention and ignore it, but if we took a deep look we will find that they do not mention anything about the qualifications. For the employer, "good looking" is what matters regardless of the employee's qualification. As for the employees: all they really care about is getting accepted in any job, as salary is what matters to them since most of them (if not all) come from families with low income.

“I want the work that I produce help make a change in people's behaviour and the society in a positive way”.