Adrián Flores Sancho
Materia Primera, Deconstrucción, descomposición y muerte de una cebolla / Deconstruction, decay and death of an onion
2:00, 2013
Adrián Flores Sancho (b. 1986, Costa Rica) studied Philosophy and Plastic Arts at the Universitay of Costa Rica. He won the National Award Aquileo J. Echeverría in 2013. He exhibited in the group project Materia Primera at Teorética (2013) and MADC (2013)., as well was part of Inquieta Imagen. He had solo exhibitions in Costa Rica like in 2011 Los Otros Mismos at the Centro Cultural Español, in 2012 No Coma Cuento in the Alianza Francesa. Adrían particpated in Biennials like the Biennial of Humor & Satire in Bulgary and the International Graphic Biennial in Cairo, Egypt (2013).
Deconstrucción, descomposición y muerte de una cebolla/ As part of a research project on the subject, a structured and systematic analysis of an onion is carried out by printing its image every 24 hours for 100 days. The three images that make up the triptych are a result of the selective overlapping of the 100 prints of the onion, each with a different arrangement and opacity. The video shows each of these prints in three different time intervals and in numbered form, exposing the fragmented progressive and systematic transformation commonly identified as the decomposition of a vegetable.